Sunday, August 24, 2014

Virgo New Moon

On August 25th there is a Virgo New Moon, with both the Sun and Moon in the 9th house of travel, adventure and higher education.  Are you thinking of furthering your skills by taking a class?  Mars is in very tight aspect to Saturn, perhaps resulting in low energy.  The focus on this day, however, is on the Moon and Sun.  There is a suggestion of creative energies coming forward, with Neptune in aspect to the Sun and Moon. 

Get up, have a dance party (even if it’s only a party of one) and get those creative juices flowing.  Settle in and allow yourself to give expression to whatever comes through for you.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Aquarian Full Moon, Sunday August 10, 2014

We will have an Aquarian Full Moon on Sunday, August 10th at 1:10 pm CT or 7:10 pm BST.  This Full Moon is being called a Super Moon.  The reason it is called a Super Moon is because the Moon is at its perigee, or closest point to the Earth. 

At this time, Mercury is involved tightly with the Sun, and opposite the Moon.  Saturn in Scorpio is in stressful contact with the Sun, Mercury and the Moon.  This could manifest in restriction of emotional expression in some way – censorship?  There is a lot of Fixed energy with this Full Moon, so you are well advised to be aware and be prepared to go with the flow.