Thursday, November 6, 2014

Taurus Full Moon

4:23 pm, November 6, 2014

Taurus is ruled by Venus, and this Full Moon just happens to be in touch with Venus, along with the Sun in Scorpio.

Scorpio has a reputation of being sultry, dark and deep.

Taurus, being ruled by Venus, is sensuous and Earthy sign, in touch with things that “feel good.”

What a combination this is, Scorpio and Taurus.  This could bring a night of sexual promise or perhaps luxuriating in sensual delights such as a massage or a relaxing day at the spa.

Relax and take your time today, allow yourself to enjoy the pleasures of life.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Scorpio New Moon with a Solar Eclipse

October 23, 2014
4:57 pm CDT

This is a powerful New Moon in Scorpio.  The Sun will make her annual entrance into Scorpio just 10 hours earlier (6:57 am).   This partial Solar Eclipse occurs 19 years after a very similar one that happened on October 23, 1995.  Do you recall what was happening in your life back then?

The symbolism of Scorpio is most dramatically shown through the Phoenix rising from the ashes.  Or, you can think of it as death and re-birth, transformation, etc.

Scorpio is very powerful and intimidating.  Just know that the bark is worse than the bite.  If you let go and work through the change it can bring great reward to your life.

The house where the Eclipse falls shows where we can experience the most growth.  Your astrologer can help you locate this in your personal chart.  Email me at AstrologyByMarsha at gmail dot com if you’d like more information, or to schedule a reading.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Aries Full Moon with a Total Lunar Eclips

October 8, 2014 at 5:51 am CDT

This Full Moon brings to light the need for balance in relationships.  The Sun is in the sign of Libra, which is ruled by Venus (love, women, beauty, art), and the Moon will be in Aries, which is ruled by Mars (assertion, energy and power.)

This Full Moon is essentially highlighting the need to find balance in our relationships.  It may bring about sudden change or need to pull back from a close bond with a significant person.

This is a very powerful Full Moon.  Ponder the changes that you feel you need to make in a relationship.  And, keep in mind that the changes may be demanded from the other person in relationship with you. 


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Pisces Full Moon 9/8/14

Pisces Full Moon
Monday, September 8, 2014
8:38 pm CDT

What happens when you marry the energy of illusion and intuition (Pisces) to that of service and health (Virgo)?  This is what is coming up for us at the Full Moon on Monday.

Pay attention to your body and the messages it is sending to you.  Perhaps you need to change your eating habits, or increase/start exercise. 

Meditation is a powerful tool to help you still your mind and really hear the message.  If you find meditation difficult, I highly recommend recordings that use binaural beats.  It helped me really get into meditating.

“Think of surges of sexual power; containing instincts, as a muse in a museum or as stifling wildness in a cage. Watch for red hair; matted hair, internal inflammations seeking external expression; creative strokes that shine like gold. Be alert for mirror images: revelations about human and ape-like affinities; raw, powerful expressions as opposed to mere emulation; refined social manners encroaching on one's inner wilderness; stark stripping away of social niceties. Consider pent-up forces that call for assimilation; malaise from feeling caged; a dexterity for getting the swing of things; breathing techniques for drawing on inner resources."

  From:  Blain Bovee. The Sabian Symbols & Astrological Analysis: The Original Symbols Fully Revealed

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Virgo New Moon

On August 25th there is a Virgo New Moon, with both the Sun and Moon in the 9th house of travel, adventure and higher education.  Are you thinking of furthering your skills by taking a class?  Mars is in very tight aspect to Saturn, perhaps resulting in low energy.  The focus on this day, however, is on the Moon and Sun.  There is a suggestion of creative energies coming forward, with Neptune in aspect to the Sun and Moon. 

Get up, have a dance party (even if it’s only a party of one) and get those creative juices flowing.  Settle in and allow yourself to give expression to whatever comes through for you.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Aquarian Full Moon, Sunday August 10, 2014

We will have an Aquarian Full Moon on Sunday, August 10th at 1:10 pm CT or 7:10 pm BST.  This Full Moon is being called a Super Moon.  The reason it is called a Super Moon is because the Moon is at its perigee, or closest point to the Earth. 

At this time, Mercury is involved tightly with the Sun, and opposite the Moon.  Saturn in Scorpio is in stressful contact with the Sun, Mercury and the Moon.  This could manifest in restriction of emotional expression in some way – censorship?  There is a lot of Fixed energy with this Full Moon, so you are well advised to be aware and be prepared to go with the flow.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Leo New Moon on July 26, 2014

On Saturday July 26th at 5:42 pm CT, we have a New Moon with the Moon and Sun in the early degrees of Leo. Jupiter is also in early Leo, bringing an expansion of this warm, generous and dramatic Leo energy. Remember that this is a great time to set an intention, but be sure to do it within 48 hours!

Get outdoors this weekend and surround yourself with people you love. Go on a picnic, explore the zoo with children or go boating.

Jupiter is in tense aspect to Mars at this Full Moon, bringing to mind the possibility of aggression/fights/disagreements among those in close relationship.

Again, as we have seen most of the Summer, there is an abundance of Cardinal energy: Pluto and Uranus continue their journey through Capricorn and Aries (yep, Cardinal). To add to this, Venus and Mercury are now well into Cancer (Cardinal) - a security-driven, emotionally tender sign.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Jupiter entered Leo

Jupiter (expansion) has just entered the sign of Leo (playful, generous and dramatic).  That sounds wonderful to me.  I could use a dose of playfulness, how about you?

Jupiter is the ruling sign of Sagittarius, the energy to learn, share (teach), profess, expand and bring optimism forward.  Sagittarius is a Mutable Fire sign, meaning that it is radiant, warm and flexible.

For those of us born late July through late August, or with planets in Leo, Jupiter may bring good fortune, enjoyment, or more learning opportunities.

The Sun will be entering Leo in two days, July 23rd.  Leo is another Fire sign, but it is Fixed energy.  Fixed energy is just about like it sounds – not receptive to change.  Leos can be stubborn, or stuck in their ways unless given extraordinary reasons to change.

The positive side of Leo is charisma, generosity and warmth that evolved Leos radiate.  The negative side is puffy-chested, “I’m better than you, so bow down to my greatness" energy.

Most Leos just want to be accepted, acknowledged for their contributions and loved for who they are.  I think that’s true of most of us, don’t you?

Try not to feel that you are giving part of yourself when you compliment someone.  Just recognizing another person for their gifts, love, creativity or help can bring light into an otherwise gloomy day.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Air Grand Trine

Emotions are running high today!  You may feel like shouting out your spirit of independence today.

There is an Air Grand Trine operating between Venus (love) and Mars (assertion) and the Moon (feelings).

Take a moment to dwell with your thoughts, feelings and desires.  Are they aligned with your goals?  How do they fit or not fit?  Give yourself time to think it over and feel out the path you wish to take.

I suggest a meditation, talking a walk, communing with nature before setting out on a new path.  Get in tune with your feelings and imagine how they might play out.

A consultation with an astrologer, such as me, can help you get in tune with your heart’s desires, life path and ambitions.  Email me at AstrologyByMarsha at gmail dot com.  A personal consultation can be done by phone, FaceTime or Skype for $125.  That’s a small investment for insight into your natal chart, to align yourself with your life path.

I also invite you to come to my FB page:  AstrologyByMarsha

Friday, July 11, 2014

Capricorn Full Moon July 12, 2014

On Saturday, July 12th at 6:25 am CT there will be a Capricorn Full Moon.  This melding of Cardinal energies (Water and Earth) results in mud!  Astrology is often delightful in the images it brings to mind.  Truly though, this is wonderful energy to make excellent progress on projects you may have neglected.

Once again, all of the Cardinal energies and signs are invoked in this Full Moon.  Mars (Libra) is square to the Sun (Cancer) and Moon (Capricorn) and Pluto (Capricorn) is square to Uranus (Aries).  If that isn’t enough, Uranus is also squaring the Sun & Moon.

The energy to get things started is truly there this Summer.  The tension is present (see the paragraph above) and Cardinal energy is at hand.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Today may be challenging

You could feel somewhat unlovable with today’s energy (Mars is square the Sun) making you feel as if you aren’t worthy of love and perhaps you’ll push them away if someone tries to cozy up to you. Let them bring you sweet messages and soak it up!

The next 36 hours may bring to you something new and adventurous courtesy of the Moon in Sagittarius.  On the other hand, you could hear/read a lot of preachiness on a topic that may not be in agreement with your beliefs.

Take advantage of this mostly fun energy before the Moon makes its entry into Capricorn (at about 10 pm ET on July 10th). The energy will then be all work and no play.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

4th of July weekend

There is a lot of “let’s do it” and “do it now’ energy present with Pluto opposite the Sun and square Uranus.  Those of us in the USA are getting ready for 4th of July and a three-day-weekend, which can be exhilarating, and for some, overwhelming.

You may be planning to get together with friends, or with family.  That too can be attached to anticipation or dread.

Let go.  Let go of all expectations.  Think positively and have no goals.

The Sun is in nurturing Cancer – the mother energy.  Let the Sun nurture and feed your spirit.

The Moon is in Virgo – may good health and vitality be yours.  Eat well this weekend.  Take in food that will nourish your body.  You will feel much better for it, emotionally and physically.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Romanticizing Life

“Remember, remember, this is now, and now, and now. Live it, feel it, cling to it. I want to become acutely aware of all I’ve taken for granted.”

These words give expression to my thoughts of patterns in the sky today.  We have Neptune in hard aspect to Venus, bringing to my mind how we romanticize life, and yes, take things for granted.  We can allow ourselves to see our life, and people we love, as we want them to be, not as they truly are.

Emotionally, you may feel “squashed” or unable to express your feelings to those closest to you.  This is a fleeting expression of Saturn today as it contacts the Moon.

I would love to be of service to you, to show you how these challenges manifest in your personal chart, as well as show you the opportunities that are coming up for you.  Email me at marsha.massino at gmail dot com for details.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cancer, Leo and Virgo – the signs of Summer!

 I have a contest for a free reading on July 1st – read through to the end for the exciting details!

Cancer ushers in Summer.  Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign. 

You may know that each season starts with a Cardinal sign:  Aries in Spring, Cancer in Summer, Libra in Fall and Capricorn in Winter. 

Each of these signs has a different element of operation.  For Cancer, it is Water.  Water signs are emotional and psychic.

Cancer began on June 21st with an Aries Moon – two Cardinal signs (Water & Fire, respectively) working together. 

Got a job to do, a project to complete, a mission?  This is the time to Redesign, Rework, Reinforce, Revisit the unfinished, while Mercury is still Retrograde. Cardinal signs are wonderful energies to work with in order to get it done.

On June 27th at 3:09 a.m. CDT, there is a New Moon in Cancer.  The Sun & Moon are both in Cancer.   This day will likely see assertion of the individual (Mars opposite Uranus) and you may either find yourself wearing rose-colored glasses when it comes to romance (Neptune square Venus) or you could find a well of creative inspiration.

There is a wealth of Cardinal energy involved in this Cancer New Moon.  Pluto (Capricorn) is opposite the Sun & Moon (Cancer), square to Mars (Libra) and square to Uranus (Aries.)  With all four Cardinal signs present, the energies of Water, Fire, Earth and Air are all involved.

Make it a point to set an intention at the New Moon, and do it within 48 hours.  Watch the cycle from the New Moon to the next New Moon to see how your intention manifests.

A very busy Summer is ahead of us, with so many different energies coming through.  How can you best deal with the struggles, opportunities and challenges?  Consult me for insight on your personal chart.  I can offer you helpful advice on how it impacts you, and for how long.  Your chart is your soul map for life – use the information it offers to you for your highest good!

Go to Facebook and like my page: “Astrology by Marsha.”  I am offering a free chart reading to one lucky person who is among those who like the page.  The random drawing will be held on July 1st.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Exploring Astrology

I simply adore astrology.  I have been studying it since I was a teenager.  I was fascinated with psychology and picked up Freud's book, "The Interpretation of Dreams."  On further reading, I was a bit disappointed with Freud's preoccupation with sex.  He linked sex to just about every issue his patients had.

Then I found a student of Freud's, Carl Jung.  Carl Jung was also a psychiatrist, but there was a striking difference between the two men.  Somewhere along the line, Dr. Jung discovered the art and science of astrology.  When Jung employed astrology in his psychiatric practice, he discovered that it gave him insights into his patients that would take many months, if not years, to uncover and, therefore, address in order to assist his patients in the healing process.

My interest in astrology skyrocketed after this discovery.  I wanted to know all there was to know.  Not much was available to me in the early '70s.  This was before the internet and new age stores, and I was in the Midwest, after all.  

In the '80s I started in again, reading astrology books - Linda Goodman's "Sun Signs" was the first book I discovered on astrology.  Since then my library has grown to over 100 books on astrology.  I devoured books on astrology like candy from then on.

I started doing chart interpretations in the '90s, but, I still felt like something was missing.  I knew all the basics, could put it together, but it didn't feel complete...until I found a master astrologer teacher by the name of Noel Tyl.  I have been studying in Noel's Master's Course in Astrology for over two years.  His course has given me the tools I needed to put it all together AND showed me how to relate the interpretations to clients without using words they couldn't understand - the astrological jargon.

Looking back, it feels like I was crawling, where now I am running!