Monday, June 30, 2014

Romanticizing Life

“Remember, remember, this is now, and now, and now. Live it, feel it, cling to it. I want to become acutely aware of all I’ve taken for granted.”

These words give expression to my thoughts of patterns in the sky today.  We have Neptune in hard aspect to Venus, bringing to my mind how we romanticize life, and yes, take things for granted.  We can allow ourselves to see our life, and people we love, as we want them to be, not as they truly are.

Emotionally, you may feel “squashed” or unable to express your feelings to those closest to you.  This is a fleeting expression of Saturn today as it contacts the Moon.

I would love to be of service to you, to show you how these challenges manifest in your personal chart, as well as show you the opportunities that are coming up for you.  Email me at marsha.massino at gmail dot com for details.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cancer, Leo and Virgo – the signs of Summer!

 I have a contest for a free reading on July 1st – read through to the end for the exciting details!

Cancer ushers in Summer.  Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign. 

You may know that each season starts with a Cardinal sign:  Aries in Spring, Cancer in Summer, Libra in Fall and Capricorn in Winter. 

Each of these signs has a different element of operation.  For Cancer, it is Water.  Water signs are emotional and psychic.

Cancer began on June 21st with an Aries Moon – two Cardinal signs (Water & Fire, respectively) working together. 

Got a job to do, a project to complete, a mission?  This is the time to Redesign, Rework, Reinforce, Revisit the unfinished, while Mercury is still Retrograde. Cardinal signs are wonderful energies to work with in order to get it done.

On June 27th at 3:09 a.m. CDT, there is a New Moon in Cancer.  The Sun & Moon are both in Cancer.   This day will likely see assertion of the individual (Mars opposite Uranus) and you may either find yourself wearing rose-colored glasses when it comes to romance (Neptune square Venus) or you could find a well of creative inspiration.

There is a wealth of Cardinal energy involved in this Cancer New Moon.  Pluto (Capricorn) is opposite the Sun & Moon (Cancer), square to Mars (Libra) and square to Uranus (Aries.)  With all four Cardinal signs present, the energies of Water, Fire, Earth and Air are all involved.

Make it a point to set an intention at the New Moon, and do it within 48 hours.  Watch the cycle from the New Moon to the next New Moon to see how your intention manifests.

A very busy Summer is ahead of us, with so many different energies coming through.  How can you best deal with the struggles, opportunities and challenges?  Consult me for insight on your personal chart.  I can offer you helpful advice on how it impacts you, and for how long.  Your chart is your soul map for life – use the information it offers to you for your highest good!

Go to Facebook and like my page: “Astrology by Marsha.”  I am offering a free chart reading to one lucky person who is among those who like the page.  The random drawing will be held on July 1st.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Exploring Astrology

I simply adore astrology.  I have been studying it since I was a teenager.  I was fascinated with psychology and picked up Freud's book, "The Interpretation of Dreams."  On further reading, I was a bit disappointed with Freud's preoccupation with sex.  He linked sex to just about every issue his patients had.

Then I found a student of Freud's, Carl Jung.  Carl Jung was also a psychiatrist, but there was a striking difference between the two men.  Somewhere along the line, Dr. Jung discovered the art and science of astrology.  When Jung employed astrology in his psychiatric practice, he discovered that it gave him insights into his patients that would take many months, if not years, to uncover and, therefore, address in order to assist his patients in the healing process.

My interest in astrology skyrocketed after this discovery.  I wanted to know all there was to know.  Not much was available to me in the early '70s.  This was before the internet and new age stores, and I was in the Midwest, after all.  

In the '80s I started in again, reading astrology books - Linda Goodman's "Sun Signs" was the first book I discovered on astrology.  Since then my library has grown to over 100 books on astrology.  I devoured books on astrology like candy from then on.

I started doing chart interpretations in the '90s, but, I still felt like something was missing.  I knew all the basics, could put it together, but it didn't feel complete...until I found a master astrologer teacher by the name of Noel Tyl.  I have been studying in Noel's Master's Course in Astrology for over two years.  His course has given me the tools I needed to put it all together AND showed me how to relate the interpretations to clients without using words they couldn't understand - the astrological jargon.

Looking back, it feels like I was crawling, where now I am running!